10 Types of People You Should Not Be Friends With

Sick of fake friends who treat you badly? Here are 10 Types of People You Should Not Be Friends With. Find out the reasons why they are not friends!
10 Types of People You Should Not Be Friends With

Do you know that not everyone can be your friends? In fact, there are 10 types of people you should not be friends with. In the zany quilt of human interconnections, where every stitch is a story and every colour sings a tune, friendships twirl and shimmy as the most flamboyant threads, dazzling in their uniqueness and essentiality to the grand design of our existence. These bonds serve as our personal cheerleaders, offering us comfort, barrels of laughter, and a VIP pass to the belonging club. Yet, embarking on the quest to keep these positive friendships flourishing is like prancing through a maze with a blindfold—sprinkled with booby traps of misunderstandings, roller coaster rides of emotions, and golden tickets to the growth spurts of our soul.

10 Types of People You Should Not Be Friends With

As your guide through this kaleidoscopic journey, armed with a sprinkle of relationship wisdom and a dash of whimsy, I invite you to dive headfirst into the art of cultivating and cherishing these technicolour connections. Together, we'll learn how to dodge those sneaky friendship faux pas, embrace the roller disco of personal development, and sprinkle our mental health with the glittering confetti of positive vibes. So, buckle up, my blog readers, for an exploration into the wondrous realm of meaningful connections, where every handshake could lead to a lifelong dance and every smile is a promise of countless adventures ahead.

10 Types of People You Should Not Be Friends With

The Essence of Friendship in Our Lives

Friendships are not merely social contracts; they are deeply interwoven into the fabric of our psychological well-being. The significance of these bonds cannot be overstated—they shape our experiences, influence our decisions, and impact our emotional landscapes. Positive friendships serve as a mirror, reflecting our best selves and encouraging growth, while negative interactions can cloud our judgment and dampen our spirits.

The Essence of True Friendship

The Psychological Underpinnings of Healthy Friendships

Research within the realms of psychology and sociology consistently highlights the critical role that healthy relationships play in our lives. A study published in the American Psychologist journal underscores the link between strong social connections and increased life satisfaction, lower rates of mental health issues, and even enhanced physical health. This body of research supports the notion that the quality of our friendships directly influences our overall well-being.

10 Types of Friends You Should Avoid at All Cost

Friendships can vary widely in their dynamics and impact on our lives. Understanding the different types that exist can empower us to make informed choices about whom we invite into our inner circles.

10 Types of People You Should Not Be Friends With

1. The Perpetual Pessimist

In the grand theatre of life, where each character plays a role in shaping the narrative, there exists a peculiar kind of companion. This friend, often cloaked in a shroud of negativity, moves through the world like a storm cloud on legs, unwittingly draining the vibrancy from the air around you. Their presence, akin to a persistent drizzle on what might otherwise be a sunny day, can leave you feeling as though the colours of your world have turned a shade dimmer. It is a curious phenomenon, this energy sapping, yet one that is all too real for those who find themselves in the company of such souls. The air around them feels heavier, thick with the weight of unseen burdens, and you might find your own spirits flagging in sympathy, a testament to the power of emotional osmosis.

1. The Perpetual Pessimist

The science of psychology offers a fascinating lens through which to view this curious interaction, identifying it as a case of emotional contagion. Like a virus that leaps from host to host, emotions too can be infectious, spreading from person to person with surprising ease. Our brains, it seems, are wired for empathy, equipped with mirror neurons that allow us to reflect and absorb the feelings of those around us. This phenomenon explains why a room can feel charged with tension when tempers flare or why laughter can ripple through a crowd. However, when one is continually exposed to negativity, this empathetic mirroring can act as a double-edged sword. It transforms us into unwitting conduits for the very emotions that ail our companions, leading us down a path where our own outlook on life begins to mirror the gloomy skies of their disposition. It's an intriguing dance of emotions, highlighting the intricate interplay between our internal states and the external influences that shape them.

2. The Gossip Maven

It is a fact that a relationship founded upon the shifting sands of gossip is akin to constructing a mansion on a marsh. The foundations, though seemingly solid in the fleeting moments of shared secrets, are but fragile constructs ready to crumble under the weight of reality. Trust, that delicate bird, finds itself unable to nest in such an environment, its wings clipped by the sharp scissors of hearsay and speculation. This erosion of confidence is not merely a crack in the edifice but a chasm into which the very essence of connection can plummet, lost in the shadows of doubt and insecurity. The walls that should shelter and support become suffused with the chill of uncertainty, turning each whispered word into a potential harbinger of betrayal.

2. The Gossip Maven

Moreover, the pernicious spread of personal details through the grapevine does not simply breach the sacrosanct vault of confidentiality; it cultivates a veritable hothouse of mistrust. Within this environment, suspicion blossoms like a noxious weed, choking the life from the blooms of honesty and openness. As these tendrils of doubt entwine themselves around the heart of the relationship, they strangle the lifeblood of mutual respect, leaving behind a barren wasteland where trust once thrived. It is within this culture of skepticism that connections wither on the vine, starved of the sustenance needed to grow and flourish. In essence, gossip transforms the garden of relationship into a labyrinth of mirrors, each reflection distorting reality until all that remains is a twisted caricature of truth.

3. The Energy Drainer

Ah, the quintessential energy vampire, cloaked in the guise of a friend, yet feasting upon the drama and negativity as if they were at a grand banquet of emotional turmoil. These individuals have a peculiar appetite for chaos, thriving in the tempest of discord as if it were their natural habitat. With each encounter, you find yourself inexplicably drained, as if your very essence has been siphoned through an unseen straw, leaving behind nothing but a husk of your former vibrancy. This is no ordinary friendship; it is an odyssey into the depths of emotional exhaustion, a relentless siege upon your very soul.

3. The Energy Drainer

The dynamics of this parasitic relationship are inherently skewed, with an alarming imbalance in emotional labour. You become akin to a lighthouse in their tempestuous sea of despair, constantly beckoning for your support yet offering no shelter in return. This one-sided affair can take its toll on the sturdiest of mental fortifications, eroding your well-being with the insidious persistence of a drip on stone. It is a curious phenomenon, this dependence without reciprocation, as if your friend were an emotional alchemist, transmuting your compassion into the base metal of their endless crises. Such relationships demand not just your ear or shoulder but the very essence of your emotional resilience.

4. The Self-Involved Companion

Ah, the grand mosaic of human interaction, wherein certain characters, with an air of flamboyant narcissism, pirouette into the spotlight, invariably ensnaring dialogue within their gravitational pull. These are the individuals who relish in the sound of their own voice, weaving tales and anecdotes with themselves cast as the perennial protagonist. It's a peculiar dance, one where their words cascade like a torrent, drowning out the murmurs of any potential conversational counterparts. Their interest in the lives of others is but a fleeting shadow at dusk, barely there and quick to disappear. This is not the give-and-take of hearty dialogue; it is a monologue disguised as discourse, where the only ears tuned to listen are those belonging to reflections in mirrors.

4. The Self-Involved Companion

In such dynamics, the underpinnings of what constitutes a healthy friendship—mutual respect, empathy, and a genuine curiosity for the other—are as absent as stars in the midday sky. These relationships, if one dares to label them as such, are bereft of the symbiosis that nourishes souls and weaves the intricate bonds of camaraderie. Instead, they are marked by a lopsidedness, a seesaw perpetually tipped in favor of one. It's akin to nurturing a garden in which only one flower is allowed to bloom, while the rest wilt in the shadows. This imbalance does not a healthy ecosystem make; similarly, friendships marred by narcissistic tendencies struggle to flourish in the absence of reciprocal understanding and shared emotional landscapes. It's an intricate ballet of interpersonal dynamics, where empathy and mutual respect are not just niceties but essential nutrients for growth.

5. The Fair-Weather Friend

True friendships emerge as the illustrious threads, vibrant and resilient, weaving through the fabric of our lives with unwavering fortitude. These relationships, unlike the fleeting acquaintances that populate our social circles like ephemeral butterflies, endure the relentless march of time and the capricious tempests of adversity. They are the rare jewels that glisten in the darkest of nights, providing a beacon of hope and companionship. True friends stand by us, their presence a testament to the unyielding strength of genuine connection. They do not merely weather the storm alongside us; they become the lighthouse guiding us back to safety, their support as steadfast as the stars in the night sky.

5. The Fair-Weather Friend

Conversely, there exists a breed of companions, as fickle as the winds of change, who vanish into the ether at the first sign of trouble. These fair-weather friends, lacking the depth and commitment of true companionship, fail to anchor us in times of need. Their departure leaves a void, a stark reminder of the fragility of superficial bonds. It is in the crucible of adversity that the essence of friendship is tested and proven. Those who dissipate when the shadows lengthen and the paths become treacherous do not merely absent themselves; they unwittingly reveal the ephemeral nature of their loyalty. Thus, it is through the trials and tribulations of life that true friendships are not only forged but also distinguished from the chaff of fleeting connections, offering a profound stability and support that is both rare and invaluable.

6. The Constant Critic

Constructive criticism, an art form in its own right, stands poles apart from the disparaging whirlwind of relentless negativity. The former, akin to a master sculptor delicately chiselling away at marble, seeks to refine and elevate, transforming the raw into the remarkable. It's a dance of words, carefully choreographed to guide, not gash; to enlighten, not enrage. This nuanced approach ensures the recipient's self-esteem is cradled in the hands of understanding, rather than trampled underfoot by thoughtless remarks. Constructive criticism is the gentle yet firm breeze that propels ships towards uncharted waters of improvement and self-discovery.

6. The Constant Critic

On the flip side, relentless negativity acts as a tempest, mercilessly battering the sails of one's self-esteem, leaving them frayed and torn. This incessant barrage of unconstructive critique can weigh heavily on an individual's psyche, anchoring them in a sea of self-doubt and stress. The effects are not just transient ripples on the surface; they can stir up a maelstrom within, contributing to a significant increase in stress levels. The difference between the two is stark – while constructive criticism plants seeds of growth, relentless negativity uproots confidence, leaving behind a barren landscape of despair. Understanding this distinction is paramount in navigating the complex human interactions that shape our world.

7. The Promise Breaker

Trust, that quintessential and elusive elixir, remains the bedrock upon which the edifice of any meaningful relationship is constructed. It's a delicate dance of consistency and reliability, where every step and misstep is keenly observed and felt. Like the masterful strokes of an impressionist painter, each action contributes to the overall picture of trustworthiness. Yet, in this intricate ballet of human interaction, the sanctity of trust is all too often sullied by the shadow of broken promises. These are not mere blips on the radar of relational dynamics but rather profound breaches that threaten to unravel the very fabric of trust. They act as insidious termites, gnawing away at the foundations, leaving behind a fragile shell ready to crumble at the slightest pressure.

7. The Promise Breaker

The aftermath of these habitual betrayals is a tempest of emotional turmoil. Feelings of betrayal and instability surge like tumultuous waves, eroding the shores of confidence and security in the relationship. It's akin to navigating a ship through a storm with a compass that spins wildly, no longer able to discern north from south. The breach of trust transforms the relationship landscape into a labyrinthine quagmire, where every step is fraught with uncertainty and skepticism. In this bewildering maze, the once clear paths of communication and understanding become obscured, choked by the creeping vines of doubt and resentment. The resultant instability is not just a transient phase but a profound shift that challenges the very essence of connection, demanding Herculean efforts to restore what was once effortlessly beautiful.

8. The Emotional Invalidator

Disregarding one's own feelings or treating them with a cavalier attitude is nothing short of emotional harakiri. It is a clandestine form of self-sabotage that insidiously erodes the very foundation of one’s self-esteem, akin to sawing off the branch on which one is precariously perched. This act of emotional negligence is a silent epidemic, a miasma that infests the soul with doubts and insecurities. It is a ballet of self-deception, where one dances on the edge of vulnerability, blindfolded by a misguided sense of stoicism. To trivialize one's emotions is to deny the essence of one's humanity, to silence the symphony of the heart with the cacophony of denial. It is an art of self-effacement, where feelings are swept under the rug of consciousness, festering in the shadows, unacknowledged and unaddressed.

8. The Emotional Invalidator

On the flip side, the acknowledgment and respect of one's feelings stand as the bedrock of emotional integrity and personal growth. It is an enlightened act of self-respect, a declaration of independence from the tyranny of emotional suppression. Recognizing and valuing one's emotions is akin to navigating through a labyrinth with a compass; it provides direction and clarity amidst the chaos of internal turmoil. It is a journey towards emotional emancipation, where each acknowledged feeling lights up a path towards self-discovery and empowerment. In this realm, emotions are not seen as adversaries to be conquered but as allies that guide us through the intricate tapestry of our inner worlds. This is where true strength lies—not in the denial of vulnerability but in the courageous embrace of our emotional truth.

9. The One-Sided Relationship

By now we all know that in this intricate ballet of human relations, friendship stands out as a particularly nuanced dance, one that demands a meticulous balancing act, akin to the ebb and flow of the tides. This dance of give-and-take is not merely a societal nicety but the very bedrock upon which the edifice of friendship is erected. Yet, when this balance is skewed, when the scales tip too far in one direction, the result is not a harmonious symphony but a cacophony of resentment and frustration. Picture, if you will, a scenario where one dancer leaps with gusto, pouring their heart and soul into the performance, while their partner watches, inert. The spectacle is disjointed, the rhythm lost. Such is the plight of a friendship bereft of reciprocity; it becomes a solo performance in a duet costume.

9. The One-Sided Relationship

Delving deeper into the psychology of human interactions, it becomes evident that balanced reciprocity is not merely desirable but essential for the sustenance of healthy dynamics. This intricate dance of give-and-take is fueled by the innate human longing for acknowledgement and appreciation. When reciprocity is absent, it leads to an emotional deficit, creating a void that no amount of unilateral effort can fill. The aggrieved party begins to feel more like Sisyphus, eternally pushing a boulder uphill, than a valued friend. This imbalance, if left unaddressed, inevitably erodes the foundation of trust and mutual respect that friendships are built upon. It's a poignant reminder that in the art of friendship, balance is not just a virtue but a necessity – a golden thread weaving through the tapestry of human connection, holding it together against the ravages of time and circumstance.

10. The Toxic Influence

Last but not least, in the labyrinthine depths of human relationships, toxic friendships stand as insidious vines, weaving their way through the psyche with a venomous embrace. At the apex of their malevolence, these parasitic connections drain the very essence of one's emotional reservoir, leaving behind a desolate wasteland. The afflicted soul finds themselves enshrouded in a miasma of anxiety, their mind a battleground where shadows of doubt and despair wage war. Depression, that most cunning and relentless of foes, casts its long shadow, enveloping the individual in a chilling fog of despondency. It is in this twilight realm of diminished self-worth that the true extent of the damage wrought by toxic friendships is laid bare, a testament to the profound emotional harm they can inflict.

10. The Toxic Influence

Yet, within this dark tableau, there exists a silver lining, for awareness and understanding serve as potent antidotes to this venom. Expert insights reveal that the path to recovery is illuminated by the light of self-reflection and the strength found in seeking support from healthier relationships. By recognizing the signs of toxicity and asserting boundaries, individuals can begin to extricate themselves from the thorns of detrimental friendships, fostering a garden where self-esteem can bloom anew. In this journey of healing, one discovers not only the resilience of the human spirit but also the transformative power of positive connections, a beacon of hope in the quest for emotional well-being.

Cultivating Positive Friendships: 5 Strategies for Success

Ah, the art of discerning the chaff from the wheat in the vast fields of our social interactions! It's but a mere prelude, a preliminary amble down the path of personal evolution. You see, identifying those friendships that do more harm than good, those vampiric associations that drain our spirit rather than uplift it, is merely the initial skirmish in the grand battle of self-improvement.

The true odyssey, my dear blog readers, unfolds when we pivot our focus towards the cultivation of enriching, soul-nourishing relationships. This endeavor is not for the faint-hearted; it demands the finesse of a gardener who knows which plants will thrive together and which will stifle each other's growth. It's a saga of deliberate choice, of selecting companions who reflect the best versions of ourselves, who challenge us to ascend to greater heights, and with whom our spirits dance in the symphony of genuine connection. In this intricate ballet of human interaction, we find not just companionship but a mirror reflecting our own potential for growth and transformation.

1. Open Communication

To foster a thriving environment conducive to growth and innovation, it's imperative that we cultivate an atmosphere where individuals feel completely at ease to openly share their thoughts and feelings, free from the apprehension of judgment. This involves nurturing a culture of empathy, respect, and understanding, where every voice is valued and considered. By doing so, we not only encourage a diverse array of perspectives but also facilitate a space where individuals can express their ideas and emotions without fear, thereby enhancing collective creativity and problem-solving capabilities.

1. Open Communication

Establishing such an environment is crucial for fostering psychological safety, which research has shown to be fundamental in driving engagement, productivity, and overall well-being within teams and organisations. Through deliberate efforts to create and maintain this open, judgment-free zone, we lay the groundwork for a more inclusive, innovative, and dynamic community where individuals feel supported and empowered to reach their full potential.

2. Establish Boundaries

Establishing well-defined boundaries is paramount in fostering an environment of respect and autonomy within any relationship, be it personal, professional, or otherwise. Such boundaries not only delineate the limits of acceptable behaviour and interaction between individuals but also serve as a vital mechanism for protecting one's sense of self and ensuring mutual respect. By clearly communicating these limits, individuals can effectively prevent misunderstandings and conflicts, thereby promoting a healthier, more sustainable relationship dynamic.

2. Establish Boundaries

Moreover, the act of respecting these boundaries reinforces the autonomy of each party, allowing for the development of trust and a deeper understanding between them. In essence, the establishment and maintenance of clear boundaries are fundamental to the flourishing of any relationship, enabling both parties to interact in a manner that is respectful of each other's needs, preferences, and personal space.

3. Seek Reciprocity

To cultivate genuine and sincere friendships, it is imperative to strive for a balanced dynamic of support, where mutual appreciation and valuation of each party's contributions and presence are paramount. This equilibrium ensures that the relationship is not one-sided but is instead a reciprocal exchange of kindness, understanding, and respect.

3. Seek Reciprocity

By actively listening, empathising, and being present for each other, friends can create a foundation of trust and reliability. It is through this balanced give-and-take, where both individuals feel equally valued and appreciated, that a deeper connection is fostered. This depth not only strengthens the bond but also enriches the quality of the friendship, making it more meaningful and fulfilling for both parties involved. Therefore, achieving this balance is not just beneficial but essential in forging lasting, sincere friendships.

4. Practice Empathy

Cultivating meaningful relationships requires more than just casual interactions; it necessitates a deep-seated commitment to understanding and valuing the experiences and emotions of those within your circle. By actively demonstrating a genuine interest in the lives of your friends, you not only acknowledge their worth and uniqueness but also foster an environment where mutual respect and affection can flourish. This extends beyond mere surface-level engagement, delving into the heart of their joys, struggles, and aspirations.

4. Practice Empathy

Offering empathy during their times of need becomes a pivotal aspect of strengthening these bonds. Empathy, the ability to comprehend and share in another's feelings, stands as a cornerstone of emotional support, conveying a sense of solidarity and understanding that can greatly alleviate the weight of adversity. Through these concerted efforts, relationships are imbued with a deeper significance, transforming them into sources of comfort, inspiration, and unwavering support amidst the vicissitudes of life.

5. Embrace Positivity

Immersing oneself in an environment populated by individuals who emanate positivity has a profound impact on personal growth and well-being. These individuals, through their unique perspectives and rich tapestry of experiences, serve not only as catalysts for inspiration but also as invaluable resources for learning and self-improvement. Their optimistic outlook and constructive feedback can significantly enhance one's ability to navigate life's challenges, fostering a mindset that is resilient in the face of adversity and open to embracing opportunities for growth.

5. Embrace Positivity

By surrounding oneself with such positive influences, one can cultivate a life that is not only enriched by diverse viewpoints and experiences but also grounded in a culture of positivity and mutual upliftment. This approach to social interaction not only amplifies personal development but also contributes to the creation of a supportive and vibrant community.

Conclusion: Fostering Fulfillment Through Friendship

The journey toward nurturing fulfilling friendships is marked by introspection, effort, and sometimes, difficult decisions. It's about discerning which relationships truly add value to our lives and which detract from our well-being. By embracing the principles outlined in this guide, you can pave the way for more meaningful connections that uplift, inspire, and support you on your life's journey.

Fostering Fulfillment Through Friendship

Remember, your mental health is paramount. Prioritizing it means investing in friendships that not only bring joy but also promote personal growth and emotional resilience. In doing so, you'll discover that the most enriching friendships are those built on mutual respect, understanding, and a shared commitment to each other's well-being. Remember not to waste our time on people who do not appreciate us! So avoid the 10 aforementioned toxic people in your life at all cost.

Images credit: Shutterstock



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Review,112,Foodpanda,6,Football,28,Footwear,114,Ford,2,Forex,18,Fortnite,2,Fossil,2,France,2,French,1,Friday The 13th,1,Friendship,1,Fruit,2,Fuel,2,Fujifilm,2,Fun,80,Funny,21,Furniture,2,Futura,1,G Suite,2,G-Shock,4,Gadget,409,Gambling,19,Games,22,Gaming,38,Gardening,7,Garmin,1,Gaston Luga,2,GE15,2,Generative AI,6,Genting Highlands,2,Geronimo Stilton,2,Getha,1,Ghost,11,Gifts,14,Gimbal,3,Giuseppe Zanotti,1,Glasses,2,Go Noodle House,2,Gogoprint,2,Gold Trading,4,Golf,2,Google,11,Google Bard,2,Google Gemini,1,GoPro,2,GPT-3,4,GPT-4,4,Grab,2,GravGear,2,GSC,4,GTA,1,Gucci,3,Guitar,1,Hair Care,4,Halal Products,1,Halloween,7,Happy Dragon Boat Festival,1,Hard Drive,4,Hari Raya,8,Hari Raya Decorations,1,Harley Davidson,1,Harmony OS,1,Hasbro,8,Hatten Place,3,Havaianas,1,Headphones,2,Headset,1,Health,88,Heart,18,Hermès,1,Heroes,7,Hewlett Packard,1,Hi Tea,4,Hiking,2,Hiking Trail,1,Hisense,1,History,11,Holiday Inn Melaka,11,Homage,2,Home,14,Home Automation,1,Home Care,2,Home Caregiver,2,Home Renovation Ideas,12,Home Robots,1,Home Security,5,Honda,2,Honor,9,Horoscope Zodiac 2022,3,Hot Wheels,1,Hotel,17,Hotel Review,15,House Moving,4,Housekeeping,6,How To Study,2,Huami,2,Huawei,22,HyperGear,6,Ice Cream,1,Ice Cream Buffet,1,iGaming,1,IKEA,1,Indonesia,2,Indoor Farming,2,Indoor Golf,1,Infernal Affair,42,Influenza A,1,Infographic,3,Inlab,1,InMotion,1,Innofood,2,Insta360,1,Instagram,1,Instant Camera,3,Instax,1,Insurance,3,Intel,1,Interior Design,1,International Chocolate Day,1,Internet,55,Internet Marketing,8,Internet Security,6,Interview,1,Investment,8,IOI City Mall,1,iPad,5,iPhone,16,iPhone Cases,1,iPod,2,Iron Man,3,Islam,1,Jacquemus,1,Japanese Food,9,Jay Chou,4,Jobs,4,Joke,2,Jonker Walk Melaka,1,Juke-Blog,27,Jusco,2,JUUN.J,1,Kampung Machap Baru,1,Kanghyuk,1,KFC,5,kidzooona,3,Kieslect,1,Kindle,1,Kitchen,8,Kitchen Gadget,14,Knowledge,41,Kobe Bryant,3,Kobo,1,Kuala Lumpur,1,Lalamove,1,Lamborghini,2,Laptop,13,Lazada,5,Leaks,1,LeBron James,3,Lee Chong Wei,3,Lee Zii Jia,1,Legal Matters,1,Legion,1,Lego,15,Lenovo,5,LG,4,LGBT,1,LGBTQIA+,1,Li-Ning,1,Life-Style,45,LifeStraw,1,Lightyear,1,Link Shortener,1,Lions Club,1,Literature,1,Logitech,5,Louis Vuitton,3,Lunchbox,1,M&M's,1,Macau,1,MacBook,3,MacDonald,2,Mad Hatter Day,1,mahjong,2,Mahkota Parade,2,Make Money Blogging,4,Make Money Online,47,Make Money Tweeting,2,Malacca,16,Malawi,1,Malaysia,62,Malaysia Airlines,1,Malaysia Day,2,Manchester United,15,Mariah Carey,4,Market,1,Marketing,5,Marvel,4,Marvel Go Collection,1,Massage,1,Mattel,3,Mattress,2,Maxis,4,McDonald's,4,MCO,36,Melaka,38,Mercedes Benz,2,Merdeka,1,Meta,3,Meta Trader,1,Metaverse,1,Mi Band,1,Microsoft,6,Mid-Autumn Festival,9,Midea,1,Midvalley,4,Mijia,1,Milky Our Pet Dog,1,Minions,1,Moncler,1,Monday Blues,17,Money Talk,36,Monopoly,1,Montblanc,1,Mooncakes,3,Most Powerful Passport,1,Mother's Day,11,Motivational,13,Motorola,6,Mountain Climbing,1,Movie Review,27,Movies,6,MSCHF,1,music,3,Music Monday,106,Music Player,2,Musical Instrument,1,Muslim,1,My Babies,239,My Chronicles,278,My Family,152,My Video,5,My Wife,32,Myvi,1,Naruto,6,NASA,2,National Avocado Day,1,Nature,20,NBA,16,NBA Trading Cards,1,Nebraska,1,Nerf,3,Nescafe,1,Nestle,3,Netflix,12,Netflix Stream Team,9,New Balance,2,New Mobile Phone,2,New Year,5,New Year's Resolutions,9,News,24,NFL,1,Niantic,1,Nike,44,Nintendo,4,Nokia,4,Nokia E72,9,NOYSI,1,NSK,1,Nubia,1,Nuclear Weapon,1,Nuffnang,17,NVIDIA,1,Obituary,1,Off-White,1,Olympic,3,One Office,1,One Piece,2,OnePlus,3,Online Games,1,Online Shopping,2,Open AI,5,Oppo,9,Oral Health,1,Orca,1,Oreo,5,Origin,1,Oura,1,Outdoor,3,PageRank,2,Panasonic,1,Pantai Hospital Melaka,1,Parenting,32,Paris,1,Pay Fong Middle School,2,PC Fair,1,Penang,15,Penang Food,7,Performance,1,Perfume,1,Perodua,7,Pet,7,Pet Care,1,Petronas,5,Pfizer Vaccine,4,PG Mall,2,Philips,1,Photography,25,Pikachu,4,Pillow,3,Pixar,1,Pizza,2,Pizza Hut,1,Playmobil,1,PlayStation,2,Poco,2,Poem,3,Pokemon,8,Pokemon Go,1,Politics,3,Porsche,1,Portable Display,1,Portuguese Settlement,4,Power Bank,2,Pregnancy,1,Premium Review,9,Pride Month,4,PRISM+,6,Problogging,15,Processor,1,Product Review,109,Productivity,5,Professional Development,1,Programming,2,Projector,3,Promotion,14,Property,2,Proton,16,Proton Inspira,8,Proton X90,1,PS5,3,Pulau Giam,1,Pulau Pangkor,1,Puma,2,Purple Cane,1,Qing Ming,5,Qualcomm,1,Quotes,2,Racing,1,Ramadan,9,Ramadan Buffet,9,Ranting,2,Razer,9,Real Estate,2,Realme,6,Recipe,1,Redmagic,2,Redmi,5,Reebok,6,Relationship Advice,1,Reloaded,1,Remote Working,3,Reputation Management,1,Resume Writing,1,Retirement Planning,2,Revelot,1,Reward,2,Rice Cooker,1,Ring,1,Roborock,13,Robosen,2,Robot Vacuum,13,Robotics,5,ROG,1,Rolls-Royce,2,Royal Selangor,1,Rugged Smartphone,3,Russell Taylors,5,Russia,1,SaaS,1,Samsung,56,Samsung Galaxy S6,3,Samsung Global Goals,1,Save Soil Movement,1,Science,2,Scorcher Grill,1,Scoville Scale,1,Seagate,1,Segway,1,Seiko,1,Selamat Hari Raya Haji,1,Selangor,3,Self-Improvement,37,Senz,1,Sex Chat,28,SHEIN,1,Sheraton PJ,7,Shocking,71,Shopee,1,Shopping,27,Shutterstock,2,Side Hustle,1,Sinovac Vaccine,2,Skincare,1,Sleep,9,Smart Glasses,3,Smart Home,1,Smart Ring,1,Smart TV,2,Smartphone,110,Smartphone Cases,1,Smartwatch,23,SMS,1,Snapchat,2,Sniclo Turbo,1,Social Media,9,Social Media Influencer,2,Software,10,Solar Panels,1,Solo Stove,2,Sony,8,Sony Ericsson,1,Soul,108,Soundbar,2,South Korea,1,South Park,2,Speaker,7,Spectacles,1,Spiderman,3,Spongebob Squarepants,1,Sport,25,Sports Betting,3,Spotify,1,Spritzer,1,Spritzer Ecopark,2,Staple,1,Star Wars,11,Starbucks,2,Starlink,1,Stealcase,1,Steamboat,4,Stock Photos,2,Straits of Melaka,1,Stranger Things,3,Stream Controller,1,Streaming Services,1,Streamyx,3,Subway,2,Sudio,2,Suicide,1,Sunglasses,2,Super Mario,5,Supernatural,10,Supplement,3,Supreme,1,Surface,4,Survival Tool,1,Suunto,1,Swimming,3,Swiss-Garden Hotel Melaka,1,Tablet,20,Taiping,26,Taiwan,1,Taiwan Excellence,3,Taman Botanikal Melaka,1,Tang Yuang,1,Tanjung Point Residences,2,Targus,3,Taste Buds,128,Tax,1,Taylor Swift,1,Teach English,1,Team-building,2,Tech News,13,Tech-Life,59,TECNO,1,Tekkaus Poll,7,Telco,18,Tesalate,2,Tesla,8,Thai Food,1,Thailand,1,The Habitat,2,The Hobbit,1,Threads,1,Tiffany & Co,1,TikTok,2,Timberland,1,Time,2,Tips,7,TM,3,TOGL,4,Tourism,4,Toy,64,Toyota,1,Trading,25,Trading Cards,1,Transformers,9,Travel,70,Travis Scott,1,Trophy Room,1,TS Alpha,1,Twitter,16,Twitter Tools,1,U Mobile,3,Ulefone,1,Under Armour,3,Underwater Drone,1,Undi 18,2,Unifi,10,United Nations,1,United States of America,2,Uno,1,Upin & Ipin,1,USB Flash Drive,1,Vacation,49,Vaccination,5,Vacuum,5,Vacuum Cleaner,7,Valentine's Day,10,Vans,1,Ventureboard,1,Versace,1,Vesak Day,1,Video Conferencing,1,Virtual Number,1,Vivo,5,Volkswagen,4,Volvo,1,Waktu Solat,1,Walkman,1,Warren Buffett,3,Watch,9,Wearable,32,Web Development,2,Webcam,1,Website,4,Website Design,3,Wedding Anniversary,1,Wesak Day,4,Western Digital,2,What Day Is Today,5,WhatsApp,1,Widget,4,Wiim,1,Wildlife,1,Wilson,2,Wines,1,Winter Solstice Festival,5,Wireless Mouse,2,Women,12,Wonda,1,Wordlesser Wednesday,28,Work From Home,3,Working Life,35,Workplace Culture,6,Workshop,1,World AIDS Day,2,World Cup,14,World News,5,Writing Tools,1,Xbox,2,Xiaomi,32,Yee Sang,4,Yeezy,1,Yes,1,Yippi,4,Yippi Biz,4,Youtube,9,YTL YES 4G,5,Zara,1,Zest-Up,1,ZipCharge Go,1,Zodiac Forecast 2024,10,
Tekkaus® | Malaysia Lifestyle Blogger | Influencer: 10 Types of People You Should Not Be Friends With
10 Types of People You Should Not Be Friends With
Sick of fake friends who treat you badly? Here are 10 Types of People You Should Not Be Friends With. Find out the reasons why they are not friends!
Tekkaus® | Malaysia Lifestyle Blogger | Influencer
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