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FL Salted Egg Murukku-Highly Addictive!

Enjoy the savoury FL Salted Egg Murukku which is highly addictive. This is the snack that will make you crave for more thanks to its creamy and fragrant texture.
FL Salted Egg Murukku-Highly Addictive!

I am sure you have tried murukku before especially during Deepavali festival. But have you tried these crunchy snacks being coated with salted egg before? Introducing FL Salted Egg Murukku which is the first combination of murukku plus salted egg in Malaysia. Initially when I was asked to try it, I thought it was just another ordinary tidbit for you to munch on. In fact it turns out to be the most delicious murukku I have ever enjoyed in my life. Dayum!

FL Salted Egg Murukku-Salted Egg Murukku

The name murukku is derived from the Tamil word "twisted" which is a reference to its shape. So FL Salted Egg Murukku adds the highly prized salted egg to the usual ingredients of water, rice flour and ural dal flour just to name a few. The result is lip-smacking salted egg murukku that will water your mouth and make you beg for more! Honestly I could not stop eating it once I first had a taste of it. It is definitely one of the few foods that really leave me wanting for more!

FL Salted Egg Murukku is the first murukku with salted egg in Malaysia

FL Salted Egg Murukku-First In Malaysia

FL Salted Egg Murukku-First In Malaysia

I could not get enough of these premium salted egg murukku for sure. This FL Salted Egg Murukku is not only crunchy but also very flavourful. I love the fragrant and creamy texture of the salted egg which evenly coats the murukku. The generous amount of salted egg added really elevates the taste of this murukku, making every bite really sinfully luscious. I must warn you that it is very, very addictive. It was so good that even my wife and children cannot get enough of it. I immediately bought another 3 tubes for ourselves.

FL Salted Egg Murukku-First In Malaysia

After trying this FL Salted Egg Murukku, it will never just be another snack that I will only have during the Deepavali festival. Its distinct flavour, texture and satisfying aftertaste will surely make you crave for more. My father, wifey and our children are currently addicted to it as well...so I guess I need to restock really soon. I understand that I can soon get FL Salted Egg Murukku from cinema and other convenient stores as well. Can't wait! It is a gourmet snack that I can indulge in for non-stop! Each tube comes with a recommended retail price of RM25. For the time being, you can get this FL Salted Egg Murukku from the following sole distributor:

FL Salted EGG Murukku (全马独创 咸蛋姆鲁咕)

Sole Distributor: Tennyson Soon
Contact Number: 011-10609116
Instagram: Tennyson Soon
Facebook: Tennyson Soon


  1. Wah, I am sure this is a once started cannot stop snack. I will finish the whole container in one sitting.

  2. Whatttt??? This is genius! I must try it soon! HAHA

    1. You should. Order from the number at the bottom. :)

  3. kreatif betul buat salted egg maruku. sure sedap. nampak pun menyelerakan.

    1. Ya memang sedap dan menyelerakan. Tak boleh henti. :D

  4. Seriously salted egg maruku? Wow tak pernah lagi dengar. Macam sedap juga gayanya.

    1. Ya~memang sedap FL salted egg murukku ni. :)

  5. Muruku & salted egg are my two favorite things and now they are together? I want!!!

  6. I love murukku! Must try this too lah

    1. Yes once you try it for sure you cannot stop.

  7. Salted egg!! Mmg sedap. I kalau makan susah nak stop. Ranggup sgt

    1. Yes memang susah nak stop. So kena order lar beberapa tube lagi. :D

  8. Maruku memang sedp.. Dahla crunchy.. Selalu biasa je ni salted egg ya.. Mesti sedp

  9. Ya selalunya bila ada bahan campuran salted rgg mesti sedap apa apa kudapan pun..

    1. Betul tu. Tapi murukku dengan salted egg ni memang best giler.

  10. Oh I like Murukku! Time to check out and try FL Salted Egg Murukku with my family hehe

  11. first time dengar murruku dengan salted egg. sekarang ni memang tengah 'in' salted egg kan? macam2 produk salted egg di pasaran. :)

    1. Ya memang salted egg sekarang ni memang laris giler. Kenalah try FL salted egg murukku ni. Sedap!

  12. Gosh!!! Murukku in itself is so very nice, with the fragrance of the spices added - the truly authentic Indian ones. Why would anyone want to go and ruin it by adding salted egg? I do think we have had enough of salted egg anything and everything!

  13. Wow.. this is new recipe. Havent heard about salted egg maruku before this. Dengar nama pun dah terasa sedap

  14. Wah both are my favourite, muruku and salted egg. Tempted to try this snack also.

    1. You should trust me. You will not regret it. :D

  15. Regret to click into this post because I'm finding myself jotting down the contact of the seller.

    1. You should really try it. Highly recommended.

  16. first time hearing salted egg muruku.. mesti sedap!!!

  17. sedapnya, maruku pun dah di salted egg ya, berebutla makan ni

    1. Tak berebut juga. Beli lar banyak-banyak supaya cukup makan. :D

  18. Sedap nmpknya muruku salted egg nie.. xpernah cuba tapi lepas tgk video terus buat rasa nak cari n cuba juga la..

    1. Boleh lar pergi cuba memang sedap giler lar.

  19. Replies
    1. I am not sure. Please dial the number to find out.



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Tekkaus® | Malaysia Lifestyle Blogger | Influencer: FL Salted Egg Murukku-Highly Addictive!
FL Salted Egg Murukku-Highly Addictive!
Enjoy the savoury FL Salted Egg Murukku which is highly addictive. This is the snack that will make you crave for more thanks to its creamy and fragrant texture.
Tekkaus® | Malaysia Lifestyle Blogger | Influencer
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